Learn more about the J1 Visa programs and staffing solutions that we offer!


This recruiting option is ideal for U.S. businesses willing to provide a career enhancing and cultural exchange experience to a bright, energetic international student, recent graduate, or professional. This allows internationally-minded U.S. businesses looking to take advantage of the global marketplace, to recruit candidates from different countries with a quite easy and time- efficient process. The candidates are highly educated and skilled students or professionals, bringing variety and a global perspective to the host company environment.

Intern and Trainee positions are typically in the following occupational fields:

- Business, Management, Commerce & Finance
- Hospitality, Tourism, Culinary Arts
- Information Media, Communications, Arts & Culture
- Agriculture, Forestry
- Public Administration & Law
- Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics & Industrial

Advantages of this recruiting option:

- Start and end dates are flexible
- Preparation time frame could be as short as 4-6 month, depending on the requested profile mainly. And could last up to 9-12 months aprox
- All the process is done online
- Program duration could be: 6, 12 or 18 months
(Important: Hospitality and Culinary could be for 12 months as the longest).



This recruiting option is a wonderful resource for seasonal hiring needs! You will be working with enthusiastic international university students allowed by the U.S. Department of State, to work and travel throughout the U.S. for up to four months, during winter/spring season (December to March) of every year. We specialized on connecting host organizations (U.S. seasonal businesses) with participants (international university students) to diversify your workplace and fulfill a commitment to cultural understanding and public diplomacy.

Important aspects:

- Host organization requirements: Must have seasonal hiring needs & an interest in cultural exchange.
- Job requirements: Full-time and paid positions (minimum of 32 hours per week).
- Program length: Up to 4 months to work, followed by a 30-day travel period
- Dates: work start date could be anytime in December. End date could be anytime on March.
- Participants are mostly from Argentina, and also Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, etc. Participants are native spanish speakers and are screened for English proficiency.
- Types of seasonal businessess: Restaurants, Hotels, Resorts, Amusement Parks, Waterparks, Retail Stores, etc.
- Employers can hire just a couple to a big number of candidates under this program every year (10-20 participants for example).
- Recruiting efforts starts on May, and virtual-interviews take place around June/ July.
- All the process is done online.
- The postions are mostly "entry level" as for example: busser, runner, guest service, housekeeping, lift operator, sales, cashier, and so forth.


The Teach USA program connects enthusiastic, highly qualified international teachers with U.S. primary and secondary schools to promote cultural understanding and public diplomacy. Participating teachers are placed in an accredited K-12 school for up to 3 years and teach a wide range of subjects. During this program teachers can expect to sharpen their professional skills and take part in cross-cultural activities within their schools and local communities. Our primary goal is to facilitate an exceptional professional exchange program for teachers from all around the world to share their knowledge and experience in the U.S.

Important aspects:

- Host organization requirements: Must be a accredited public or private school.
- Job requirements: Full-time, paid position with (at least) 1 year work commitment.
- Program length: 1 to 3 years.
- Dates: work start date is with the begging of the academic year (July- September).
- Participants are mostly from Argentina, but we also recruit from Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, etc. Participants are native spanish speakers and also proficiency in English.
- Types of positions: English Teacher, World Languages teacher, Bilingual teacher, etc.
- Recruiting efforts starts on January/February, and interviews take place around March/April.
- All the process is done online.



We also provide recruiting services for american companies of candidates that already are in the US. In this case, the process takes less time, aproximately 1-3 months, mostly depending on the position, location, requirements, salary, and so forth. We have an excellent database and genuine links with qualified job seekers, mostly among the latin community, but not limited to it. We offer temporary and long term staffing. We are currently serving central and south Florida with this service (Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, St Petersburg, Sarasota, Brandeton, Orlando, West Palm Beach, etc.).



We have more than 15 years of experience in the field, and alarge and loyal network of partners (sponsors) that allow us tooffer a unique and quality service.Here are some of the most significant ones: